10 Drug Rehab Centers in Fresno

(updated: ) by Cindy Burns

Rehab centers provide the full range of services for dealing with both dependent behavior and its reasons. Overcoming co-occurring disorders and psychological traumas is crucial for a full recovery and long-lasting sobriety. Qualified specialists define what exactly causes addiction and help people overcome all related issues.

Many people don’t really think they are dependent on something until substance abuse starts affecting their lives to a great extent. When addiction develops fully, it’s very hard to overcome on one’s own. A person doesn’t know what to start with, and family members appear to be powerless against this deeply-rooted psychological disorder.

Following the drug rehab program makes it possible to complete the detoxification recovery process in a friendly, caring, and safe environment. In or list, you will find 10 rehab centers with a variety of recovery plans for teens, adolescents, and adults.

1. My Time Recovery

This rehab is designed to help patients at all levels and with all issues. They offer medically supervised detox and residential treatment of various duration (from 30 to 60 days). Also, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient treatment are possible for customers. The multidisciplinary team of professionals strives to address co-occurring disorders, not only addiction.

Address: 83 E Shaw Ave #200, Fresno, CA 93710

My Time

More Information on MyTimeRecovery.com

What is included in the residential program by My Time Recovery?

  • Individual & group psychotherapy;
  • Individualized treatment plans and aftercare planning;
  • Evidence-based treatment;
  • Adventure therapy;
  • Yoga lessons, meditation;
  • Relapse prevention;
  • Family counseling;
  • Fitness center access.

The residential facility is modern and very comfortable. It’s fully equipped with all necessities and conveniences. TV and Internet provided. Family visits and calls are allowed.

My Time Treatment Programs

My Time Recovery is recommended for people who want to live in a vibrant and supportive community. This rehab provides a comprehensive set of services – it has all it takes for stress-free recovery. Many patients manage to build a long-lasting foundation for sobriety.

My Time Recovery is accredited by the Joint Commission. It accepts direct payments and some insurance plans. Customer reviews prove that this is one of the best facilities all over California. The staff is understanding and very hospitable.

2. First Steps Recovery

The rehab provides extended treatment programs that can last up to 3 months and provide customers with a calm, drug-free environment. They are kept away from triggers and stress while focusing on long-term recovery. Each client follows an individual treatment plan developed after a thorough assessment.

Address: 2121 Herndon Ave, Clovis, CA 93611

First Steps Recovery

More Information on FirstStepsRecovery.com

What to expect from treatment in First Steps Recovery?

  • Individual and group counseling;
  • Family therapy;
  • Art therapy (music, painting, etc);
  • Yoga and exercising;
  • 12-step groups;
  • Evidence-based therapies;
  • Aftercare support.

The rehab practices a holistic approach: the staff strives to find the real reasons of addiction and help customers overcome psychological issues.

First Steps Alcohol Treatment Center

The quality of the residential facilities is above average. Customers live in private and semi-private bedrooms, have access to a fully equipped kitchen, various amenities and conveniences.

First Steps center accepts some insurance plans (Anthem, BCBS, Kaiser) and direct payments. Judging by customer feedback, the place offers luxury living and quality services.

3. Aegis Treatment Centers

This rehab focuses on outpatient and medication-assisted treatment modalities. It serves several groups of patients – each addresses specific issues. For example, there are gender-specific counseling, groups for pregnant and postpartum women, as well as culture-specific gatherings.

Address: 3707 E Shields Ave, Fresno, CA 93726

Aegis Treatment Centers

More Information on PinnacleTreatment.com

Which services are available in Aegis Center?

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy;
  • Relapse prevention;
  • Life skills classes;
  • Evidence-based practices;
  • Group and personal counseling;
  • Peer support groups;
  • Stress and relaxation techniques.

Aegis Fresno

Thanks to a large experience (over 30 years), the center team knows how to deal with all widespread types of addiction and mental health disorders. This is a nice place for those who want to combat or prevent addiction. Aegis provides efficient counseling for a reasonable cost.

The center works with all major insurance plans (Magellan, Medicare, Optum, Tricare, Blue Cross, etc). Customers leave exceptionally positive reviews and stay satisfied with treatment.

4. BAART Programs E Street

This rehab offers medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for people with opioid abuse problems. It uses FDA-approved and evidence-based medications for treatment (Suboxone). Every patient is provided with an individualized treatment plan. While through recovery, patients also attend counseling sessions and undergo medical screenings.

Address: 1235 E St, Fresno, CA 93706

BAART Programs

More Information on BAARTPrograms.com

Since the center has been around for over 40 years, the team has a great experience of dealing with various kinds of addiction. It mostly offers the following services:

  • Methadone detoxification;
  • Individual & group substance use disorder counseling;
  • Addiction & relapse prevention education;
  • Screening;
  • Coordinated treatment during pregnancy.

Alternatively, there’s a 21-say outpatient methadone detoxification available for people who need a safe and efficient withdrawal option. All in all, this center is recommended for people who want to start with quality detox. Upon finishing the medication-assistance program, customers can get referrals to third-party services and centers.

BAART center accepts some major insurance plans (Medicare Plan B, TriWest, Anthem, and some others). Customer feedback is great: people say that their needs were fully covered.

5. Exodus Recovery

Being established in 1989, Exodus Recovery has been providing quality services for chemical and psychological dependency treatment for people in Southern California. They offer several inpatient and outpatient programs and work tightly with the customers’ mental health. Thus, the center would be great for people trying to eliminate the roots of addiction.

Address: 4411 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno, CA 93702

Exodus Recovery

More Information on ExodusRecovery.com

All customers are treated by professionals – all team members are qualified to provide treatment services.

Which services are available in Exodus Recovery?

  • Housing;
  • Individual and group therapy;
  • Social services;
  • Legal aid;
  • Support system;
  • Mental health treatment.

There’s one outstanding program worth mentioning – The Whole Person Wellness Program. It’s aimed at addressing all needs and pain points. The staff works with psychological, physical, and spiritual issues to help clients overcome everything that triggers their addiction.

Note that customers are assisted with finding housing and work, transportation, and so on. Exodus Recovery is a very supportive community. Customer reviews are mixed – some staff members were reported to abuse people.

6. Fresno New Connection

Fresno New Connection follows several major foals: raise awareness about addiction and establish a lasting foundation for recovery. The organization was established in 1975 and has been providing comprehensive community services since then. Their philosophy is based on the holistic approach: they treat the whole person spiritually, physically and psychologically.

Address: 2538, 4411 N Cedar Ave # 108, Fresno, CA 93726

Fresno New Connection

More Information on FresnoNewConnections.com

So, what’s included in the treatment program by Fresno New Connection?

  • Individual and group meetings;
  • Motivational interviewing;
  • Life skills treatment;
  • Aftercare support;
  • 12-step programs;
  • Dual diagnosis;
  • AA and NA groups.

Both inpatient and outpatient programs are available. You’ll be able to figure out the most optimal variant after undergoing the assessment process. Note that both adults and adolescents are accepted for the program.

Fresno New Connection accepts Medicaid and private insurance plans, as well as direct payments. It offers flexible payment programs. Customer feedback is close to ideal, people enjoy the treatment process there.

7. Sierra Tribal Consortium Inc.

Patients in need of strict surveillance and a supportive community are highly encouraged to try this center. Why? It offers well-structured programs and tracks the customers’ success closely. The process of treatment starts with an intake procedure and a detailed assessment of customers’ health.

Address: 610 W McKinley Ave, Fresno, CA 93728

Sierra Tribal Consortium

More Information on SierraTribal.org

How is the program organized?
Phase I includes testing and quarantine. People go through assessment and get an individual treatment plan.

Phase II takes up to 90 days, It provides a drug-free environment for residents. They visit various psychological counseling and educational sessions. For example, there is a positive parenting course, anger management classes, healthy relationships counseling, etc.

Aftercare support is available as Telehealth only. It may comprise of individual counseling, AA and NA sessions, and so on.

Outpatient programs comprise Zoom meetings and Telehealth services only. Alternatively, there’s a 52-week intervention program, for women and men. Note that the center’s target audience is the Native Indian community! Overall rating is high, but there is no information in customer reviews. Do your own research of this place.

8. MedMark Treatment Centers Fresno

Having over 10 years of experience, MedMark center helps patients with opioid use disorders and offers medication-assisted treatment (methadone, buprenorphine and naloxone). Patients work with qualified healthcare specialists and receive guidance through the course of recovery.

Address: 1310 M St, Fresno, CA 93721

MedMark Detox

More Information on MedMark.com

The program by MedMark includes the following services:

  • Methadone maintenance and detox;
  • Buprenorphine maintenance;
  • Individual counseling;
  • Case management services;
  • Discharge planning.

Aside from that, there are specialty groups, young adults therapy, Women’s support group, and Mommies on Methadone group. People from the Spanish-speaking community can also count on help. While through treatment, patients also will attend individual appointments and can attend group therapies.

All in all, MedMark is recommended for the initial stage of treatment. Customers detox safely and get the vision of how their further recovery should go.

MedMark accepts some widespread insurance types, including Medicare Part B. Customer reviews are mostly positive, people are content with the quality of services.

9. Touchstone Recovery Center

The center offers intensive and traditional outpatient programs helping adults, adolescents and families. The average duration of treatment is 8 weeks. Customers build a recovery community with an intimate small group setting. The staff addresses all kinds of problems: spiritual, psychological, physical, etc.

Address: 7065 N Maple Ave Suite 104, Fresno, CA 93720


More Information on TouchstoneRecoveryCenter.com

What’s included in their programs?

  • Alcohol and drug testing;
  • Individual and group counseling;
  • Relationship building classes;
  • Consultations of a certified addictionologist;
  • Healing techniques (yoga, meditation, breath works);
  • Family therapy.

This center is recommended for adolescents because of the holistic approach and attention to details. Touchstone team helps young customers overcome depression and anxiety, low self-esteem, problems with family, gaming and computer issues, and so on.

Touchstone is accredited by the Joint Commission and other organizations. It accepts many insurance plans (Blue California, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna and others). The feedback proves that people are content with the quality of treatment and the staff.

10. WESTCARE Belmont Health & Wellness

This center provides a high variety of services for people in all age groups. They deal with substance abuse, mental health disorders, HIV/AIDS, homelessness and criminal justice. Thus, people with multiple problems can get treatment and quality care in this facility.

Address: 611 E Belmont Ave, Fresno, CA 93701


More Information on WESTCARE.com

Customers can choose a suitable treatment modality – residential or outpatient. Programs include:

  • Individual and group counseling;
  • Case management;
  • Education and addiction awareness raising;
  • Life skills development;
  • Placement and retention skills;
  • Economic self-sufficiency teaching.

There are also special programs for families, veterans, victims of domestic violence, and so on. People with HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ+ representatives are welcomed.

Once a customer finishes residential or outpatient treatment, he can opt for transitional housing or aftercare support. Short-term programs like detoxification and stabilization are highly recommended for beginning of the recovery process.

WestCare is a non-profit organization that accepts donations. That means some services are provided for free or for a fraction of their cost. Customers are absolutely satisfied with staff and services.

How Rehab Centers Can Help

Rehab centers offer various services for combating addiction: medication-assisted treatment, psychological counseling, evidence-based therapies, and so much more.

When in search of a rehab center, you should mind that there’s no one-fits-all approach. Some addicts need quality detox and medication treatment – that’s enough to restart life. Yet, in most cases, people with long-lasting addictions opt for serious inpatient and residential programs which take a few months. Define the duration and list of services required, and choosing a place will be much simpler.

Typical Services Offered by Rehab Centers

There’s a huge list of services and treatment modalities provided in rehabs. Let’s cast a look at the most widespread ones.


The need for psychotherapeutic intervention during the treatment and rehabilitation of people addicted to alcohol and drugs is obligatory due to the very nature of the disease. Addiction causes severe disorders at all levels and in all spheres of life – physical, psychological, spiritual, social.

While medication-assisted therapy is aimed at treating physical dependence on alcohol and drugs, psychotherapy heals the patient’s personality in order to defeat mental dependence. In addition, doctors, psychotherapists and psychologists encourage the person’s decision to continue treatment and refuse from using drugs and alcohol, prepare him for possible difficulties of social and psychological adaptation and talk about ways to overcome them.

Body-Oriented Psychotherapy

Body-oriented psychotherapy addresses patient’s problems through body contact procedures. The body is the shortest road to the unconscious, i.e. to the origins of problems. After completing a course of body-oriented psychotherapy, patients increase self-confidence and self-esteem. They build some kind of bridge between actions and emotions. A person becomes more open, sociable, stress-resistant.

Body-oriented psychotherapy allows patients to understand the sensory part of their personality, provides an opportunity to master self-control skills, and realizes the basic principles and benefits of a sober life. In addition, applied techniques may be relevant in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders which resulted from unresolved emotional problems.

Body-oriented psychotherapy should not be mixed with massage. This is a completely independent technique that also includes a non-contact effect on the body (breathing practices, physical exercises). There are no strict contraindications to body-oriented psychotherapy. However, this technique requires caution if the patient has a psychiatric illness.

Personal Counseling

Each patient during treatment is accompanied by a personal psychologist who advises them on all issues of concern. In a personal conversation with a psychologist, a person works out the problems that led him or her to substance abuse, and prevent from enjoying life. Pretty often, patients don’t know what exactly worries them and only an experienced specialist can help people understand themselves.

Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is a psychotherapeutic method of treatment that combines elements of self-hypnosis and self-regulation of impaired body functions. It is used for active self-regulation in the treatment of addiction to psychoactive substances, its purpose is to combat emotional overstrain and restore autonomic disorders.

Expressive (Art, Music) Therapy

Art therapy is a direction of psychotherapy based on the use of visual arts. Art therapy methods are addressed to the healthy part of the personality. Thanks to its metaphorical and imaginative nature, art therapy allows you to overcome verbal difficulties in expressing one’s problems, allows people to work through their experiences, and not only share them, see them, but also be aware and form a certain attitude towards them. This approach contributes to an increase in interest in their inner life, the formation of positive self-esteem, the development of creative abilities, and the ability to solve social problems.

Suggestive Therapy

Suggestive therapy is based on the principles of suggestion and persuasion aimed at prohibiting the use of alcohol and drugs. The prohibition is consolidated by creating a stable fear of the inevitable consequences for the patient, which will certainly arise if the patient violates this prohibition.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is aimed at changing life values, behavioral stereotypes, habitual emotional reactions. The methods of psychotherapy used to form a new outlook in the patient based on more adequate views of the surrounding reality and ideas about himself. During the course of treatment, the patient learns rational thinking.

Group Therapy

In order to increase the effectiveness of the impact of psychotherapeutic methods, the method of group psychotherapy is used in all rehabs. Such activities have the main advantage: in groups, it is much more effective to resist attempts to justify their use for any of its members. A common problem in the form of substance use links the interests and goals of patients.

In this case, it becomes much easier for each participant in group psychotherapy to start talking and discussing their difficulties, problems, asking questions and getting answers and advice to them. Thus, patients have the opportunity to look at themselves and their problems “from the outside”, not to feel their loneliness and powerlessness. Working together on various issues and aspects of life helps patients participating in group therapy sessions to evaluate themselves in a different way, to look at their behavior.

Achieving a special environment of trust and mutual respect contributes to the development of a different lifestyle, with certain attitudes towards recovery. Such aspirations allow you to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

Family Therapy

Much attention in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction is paid to methods of family psychotherapy, the main tasks of which are: identifying the main conflicts of spouses, reconstructing family relations, working with codependency, adapting the family to the regime of sobriety, strengthening the patient’s mindset for sobriety, etc.

So, what do the above-mentioned therapies contribute to?

  • Elimination of unproductive cognitive strategies.
  • Reduction of excessive mental activity.
  • Higher calmness and concentration.
  • Development of daily mindfulness.
  • Attentive training is especially useful for patients with high levels of anxiety (including GAD), those prone to overthinking, people with high excitability and mobility of mental processes, as well as patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders.

What happens to patients thanks to psychotherapy methods?

  • The patient’s attitude towards himself and towards his illness is changing.
  • The patient begins to see the meaning in recovery.
  • There is a clear motivation to change lifestyle.
  • Pathological craving for drugs and alcohol disappears.
  • Relationships with family are improved.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Rehab Center

Pay attention to several crucial aspects.

  • Which services are provided in a rehab? Of course, a huge list of therapies might be too tempting to resist, but it’s important to future out what exactly will work better for the addict. Some people need private consultations, other – expressive therapy, the rest should have their mental disorders fixed. It’s important to pick the center that addresses specific needs.
  • Where is it located? Here, the choice should be based upon the desired treatment modality. If a person prefers residential recovery on a long-term basis, it’s better to pick a sober house outside city borders. That will keep triggers at bay. On the opposite, outpatient treatment means regular transportation will be required, so it’s more convenient to have an office somewhere nearby.
  • Do they accept insurance plans and any other type of payment? In order to avoid financial issues down the road, make sure your insurance is supported by a rehab. Most often, these plans can be verified online or upon request. Consider other payment options, as well: cash, credit/debit cards, checks, etc. Having a flexible payment policy is also a great advantage, so don’t hesitate to ask the rehab’s admin whether it’s possible to pay after having services provided.
  • Are family visits allowed? It’s crucial to maintain and improve relationships with family members. They are the primary support, so regular calls and visits are usually allowed in many rehabs. But not all of them. Find out how often and which forms of communication are acceptable. Note that some faith-based and full-commitment centers ban family calls and visits.
  • What is the staff-to-patient ratio? One shouldn’t expect to get much of the staff’s attention when there are 5-10 people in the team and 100+ patients. Better select low-capacity rehabs: they offer more private, community-like settings and take care of patients’ needs better.
  • Don’t forget to check the customer feedback. Insiders know what the team wouldn’t like to disclose. They can describe facilities and the quality of amenities, what is the staff’s real attitude to patients, and which activities should be expected from treatment there. Read what people write about rehabs – there are many useful insights.
Mar 18, 2025